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Current of power adapter

Release time:2023-03-02 16:03:17      Clicks:598

1. Is the power adapter current high? The unit of battery capacity is mAh (milliampere hour), and the unit of current is A (ampere) or mA (milliampere). The two are not the same physical quantity, and the battery capacity is not necessarily related to the charging current.

2. Is the power adapter current high? The current value marked by the mobile phone charger (actually called the power adapter is more appropriate) is the maximum output current, not the charging current, which cannot be confused. The charging current of the battery is controlled by the charging circuit inside the mobile phone and is not determined by the adapter. Therefore, the higher the rated maximum output current, the greater the power of this adapter. It can replace other low-power adapters with the same voltage. There is no problem. There is no saying that "the high-current adapter reduces the battery life". In addition, it is stipulated in the electricity that the power supply with the same voltage can replace the power supply with large current, but not the other way round. Because if you charge with a very small adapter, the adapter may be in an overload state, which will burn the adapter.

What does the output current of the power adapter mean? The output voltage of the power adapter needs to be equal to the input voltage of the consumer (or the consumer clearly knows that the input voltage is within a range, and the output voltage of the adapter is within the range)

The output current of the power adapter is the maximum current that the adapter can output. The actual output current is determined by the electrical equipment. (In short, it depends on the impedance (external resistance) of the electrical equipment and the impedance (internal resistance) inside the power adapter I=U/(R inside+R outside)).

The (maximum) output current of the power adapter actually represents its internal resistance (the larger the output current, the smaller the internal resistance, that is, the smaller the power consumed by the adapter itself, and the larger the external power available).

Therefore, whether it can be exchanged depends on the nominal input current of the electrical equipment. If the nominal input current of the electrical equipment is less than the output current of the power adapter, it can be used. Otherwise, it will not move, but will not damage the equipment.

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